Consumer Lab NCUE

Welcome to the NCUE Consumer lab!
This site gives you an introduction to activity in the Consumer Lab.


About Us

In 2017 Dean Kaili Yieh had a vision to develop the consumer lab and invited James Stanworth to translate her concept into reality. Director Shih-chi Chang kindly provided an unused classroom in the basement for the project. Development has been in three main phases.

2017年,葉凱莉院長邀請James Stanworth攜手合作,利用張世其主任位於地下室提供的一間閒置教室,成功將消費者實驗室的理念轉化為實體。此計畫目前的發展主要分為三個階段。

Student Presentations

Using the lab for student presentations. Students have been making good use of the lab for a wide range of activities.

Activities in the lab include:

Presentations as part of students' courses and recording presentation for competitions.

NCUE Consumer Lab

Welcome to the NCUE Consumer Lab

This site gives you an introduction to activity in the Consumer Lab.

The range of activities in the lab include: student presentations, development of online learning materials, research meetings, promotion recording, and other green screen work. If you have questions or want to use the lab for one of these or other activities then do get in touch!

本站將為您介紹實驗室中的各項活動,包括:學生演講、現上學習資源開發、研究會議、促銷紀錄以及其他其它綠屏工作。 如果您對以上資訊有任何疑問或想使用實驗室來進行活動,歡迎您與我們聯繫!

Range of Activities

The range of activities in the lab include: student presentations, development of online learning materials, research meetings, promotion recording, and other green screen work.

Student Presentations

Students have been making good use of the lab for a wide range of activities.

Activities in the lab include:

• Presentations as part of students’ courses

• Recording presentation for competitions

Activities Gallery

If you have questions or want to use the lab for one of these or other activities then do get in touch!